четвер, 21 липня 2011 р.

Online travel and discount flights from Florence to London - Stansted

Online travel and cheap flights from Florence to London - Stansted. Save on Florence, London flights with this fare sale from Air Berlin. Online travel and ticket sales from Florence to London - Stansted, ticket price from only 109.99 EUR, one way. The Promotion ends July 31, 2011. Travel valid between 25/10/11 and 25/10/11. The price includes the fare, taxes and charges, as well as a handling fee (service charge) of EUR 10 for direct debit payment. The handling fee for all other payment methods is EUR 17 per person, which means that the price including the handling charge is then EUR 7 more than the price shown above. Please note that the handling fee is not refundable.

Cheap tickets from London or LosAngeles to Pisa

Discount airline tickets from London or LosAngeles to Pisa. Discount flight Pisa, Galileo Galilei - London. Save on Pisa, London flights with this fare sale from Alitalia. Discount flights from London to Pisa, low cost fares starting from 138GBP, return. Discount offer ends July 31, 2011. Travel must take place between July 10, 2011 and September 1, 2011. Purchase period: from immediate to open. Travel period: from immediate to open. Minimum stay: Sunday. Maximum stay: 6 months. Changes: Changes Eur50 plus any fare difference.

Flight Pisa, Galileo Galilei - LosAngeles. Save on Pisa, LosAngeles flights with this fare sale from Alitalia. Great sales from Los Angeles to Pisa, flight with special discount from 1256$, each way. Book your tickets by July 15, 2011. Travel valid between July 10, 2011 and July 31, 2011. Book on alitalia.com and take advantage of fares starting at just $1044 for roundtrip travel including all taxes and fees. Minimum stay: Sunday overnight. Maximum stay: 1 Month. Changes: $200 penalty plus applicable fare difference. Cancellations: Ticket is not refundable.

Cheap tickets from Naples to Milan and to from Liverpool to Milan

Save on plane tickets from Naples to Malpensa and to from Liverpool to Milan. Air tickets sale Milan - Naples. Save on Milan, Naples flights with this fare sale from Air One. Discount tickets on flights from Naples to Milan Malpensa, ticket price from only 27 EUR, one way. Fares must be booked by July 31, 2011. Travel valid between July 11, 2011 and September 2011. Fares are one-way, taxes included.

Cheap tickets Milan - Liverpool. Save on Milan, Liverpool flights with this fare sale from Ryanair. Save on plane tickets from Liverpool to Milan (Bergamo), ticket price from only 18.99 GBP, one way. Purchase ticket by 14 July 2011. Travel valid between 3 October 2011 and 31 October 2011. Fares don't incl optional Fees/Charges. Applicable Days: Mon - Thurs (Subject to availability). Offer Advance Purchase: Travel from 01 Oct 11.